Anno: 2012
Area geografica:
Uova intere o in guscio; Ovoprodotto (liquido o in polvere)
Policy in essere
Premio Good Pig
Anno: 2012
Area geografica:
Regno Unito
Scrofe e scrofette; Carne di suino fresca
Policy in essere
Menzione d’Onore Good Milk - Vacche
Anno: 2011
Area geografica:
Regno Unito
Latte liquido
Premio Good Chicken
Anno: 2010
Area geografica:
Regno Unito
Pollo fresco; Pollo surgelato
Policy in essere
Premio Good Egg
Anno: 2007
Area geografica:
Regno Unito
Uova intere o in guscio
Policy in essere
Premi Supermercati
Anno: 2007
Area geografica:
Regno Unito
Premi Supermercati
Anno: 2002
Area geografica:
Regno Unito
"We have the highest standards of animal welfare and it's great to see this has been recognised by Compassion in World Farming."
He continues, "This year is the 5th anniversary of Plan A, our commitment to be the world's most sustainable retailer, and we want to continue to lead the industry with our animal welfare standards. We know that there is always more that can be done and we will continue to work with Compassion on improving standards throughout the industry and as a core part of our Farming for the Future Select Farm programme."
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