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Happy New Year for Hens!

News Section Icon Pubblicato 05/01/2012

At Compassion we’re taking a moment to celebrate the fact that the EU ban on barren battery cages has finally come into force as of 1st January 2012.

This victory is for all those who care about the lives that farm animals lead: from every single person who buys organic, free-range or barn eggs, to the major multi-national food companies and public sector organisations that have also taken a stand and gone ‘cage-free’.

We applaud all the great work our Good Egg Award winners have done to address the confinement of laying hens and encourage all food companies to move to ‘cage-free’ production systems.

As a result of our award winners’ policies, over 26 million laying hens are set to benefit each year.

To find out more about the Good Farm Animal Welfare awards click here.


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